In today's show we are going to talk about 3 great ways to keep in touch with your client base.
I’m Terry Rossi and this is The IT Provider Network Show Episode Number 1


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Episode 1 - Multi Pronged Customer Communications
2017, Terry Rossi
IT Provider Network

[0:00] Music.

[0:19] Welcome to the it provider Network show my name is Terry Rossi and I'll be your host today for episode 1 of the show.

[0:26] We hope that you will join us on our journey as we attempt.
To bring value to you and your company to try to help you grow and scale your MSP business or cloud service business,
and share some of the tips and tricks that we learned along the way so without further Ado Let's Start Episode 1.
Intonation we going to talk about three great ways to stay in touch with your client base and this is an important thing for all managed service providers.
Because you're only as good as your last out a boy.

[0:56] What I mean by that is if you're out of sight you're out of mine with a managed service customer if you're not providing value and showing your face and communicating with them.
You're just another bill that comes on the first of the month that the customer questions whether they need or not so.

[1:12] My company and our experience we found that there are three Avenues and which you can talk to your customer base there from your sales department your finance department.
And your service department the order in which they communicate to your customers at least initially isn't exactly that order sales finance and service at least in our company it is,
so where does it all start it starts with person,
are there out there prospecting the managed service sale and you know they were the first people to make contact in there the first people that represent your company in the eyes of the prospect.
Prostitute inside sales person an inside sales person in my company is a telemarketer.
So we have a guy Jim it's been with us for over 8 years he dials all day everyday $80 a day in rain sleet or snow.

[2:00] It takes a special person to do that so we're fortunate to have them.
The gems out there representing our company what he says on the phone and how it interacts with the gatekeeper what we call the gatekeeper that's the person answering the phone as well as the key contact that we're trying to reach.
That's how our company is represented that's the first impression that everyone remembers.

[2:21] And it's important to get a great person to do this whether you're Outsourcing it or doing it in-house you need to really really really that that person that's doing...