This is the 2nd part in a 3rd part series on hiring. See episode 9 for some tips on creating your job description and advertisement.  In this episode of the IT Provider Network I am discussing tools and techniques to move the candidate from the inbox to the offer letter.
Testing to weed out the noise.
All of our candidates go through some sort of testing,  and most go through quite a bit of testing to hedge our losses against a bad hire.

Start your Testing in the Job Advertisement - make the candidate to something extra when sending in their resume.   Make sure they read until the end.

Using Skype for initial interviews for non-english speaking audiences.  3:15

Using One Way Video Interviews on Sparkhire to separate the curious from the serious candidates 4:00

Two way Video Interviews
Cognitive, Personality, Motivation and Testing for Culture Fit
Wonderlic Testing

DISC assessments
Break the ice with some questions to build rapport.

Talk about Work Experiences in addition to Work Skills

Check their Social Media Profiles

Concentrate on Soft Skills

Don't forget to be quiet and listen.
Wrap Up
If you have doubts about the candidate, keep looking and remember a vacant position is better than a bad hire any day.

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Terry: Hi, and welcome to episode 10 of the IT provider network.


Female 1: Welcome to the IT provider network. Are you a manage service entrepreneur wanting to take your business to the next level? Do you excel in IT, but feel your business management could be better? Join Terry Russy, where every episode he shares his skills, tips and tricks that have helped him to build a successful, worldwide business.


Terry: In our last episode we talked tools and techniques to use to get a great job advertisement out for a position that you have open. Today I want to carry that a little further and talk about the next step in the process. This is where you're getting some candidates coming in, and you need to test them and interview them.

So at the end of episode 9, we pretty much had you ready to get your job posting online, either through one of the online posting services or through Craigslist or LinkedIn and hopefully now you're getting some candidates flowing into your system. That system could be an applicant tracking system or an email address or worst case your own email box. The one thing I forgot to mention in episode 9 with job postings is that I usually include my first test to the applicant in that job posting I'll give you an example of what I mean.

So this is for a level one helpdesk tech, at the bottom of the ad it reads,