Make the first 90 days successful for you and your new employee
As soon as the offer is accepted.

Get the Offer Letter Signed and start any pre-employment tasks
Get a Voided Check for Direct Deposit
If in the US get the w4 and i9 paperwork out of the way
Order a pre-employee drug and background test
Order any needed hardware and licenses for the new employee
Have your plan together for where and what hours they will work

In the days before the start date

Set the new Employee up on all your systems
Assign a buddy to the new hire and have that buddy reach out with contact information as soon as possible
Send out a "Welcome Aboard" email to the staff
Arrange for a Friday Afternoon visit before the start date to meet the team
Set up the outlook contact list with helpful aliases and phone numbers
Add the new hire to any recurring huddles and meetings so that it is already on the calendar.
Have any swag or uniforms ready
Get any insurance or Company Vehicles lined up
Schedule "onboarding" meetings with team members to spread the load and build relationships

The Perfect Service Ticket
The PTO Process
VoiceMail Setup and Phone Training
Org Chart Review and insider information on the company

Print out helpful information for the new person

Phone Lists
Company Holidays
Employee Manual
Helpful URL's
Company Acronyms

Avoid "Radio Silence"  - keep in communication with your new hire.

First Impressions Count - get new equipment if you can

Add them to the "staff" or all hands email alias so they have your announcement email in their inbox on day 1

Program the welcome message into your digital signage or welcome sign

Try to get them working on any online coursework BEFORE their start date


On the First Day

Make sure the workspace is ready to go and arrive early before the new hire.
If possible by the team lunch and encourage a group lunch
Put their name on the welcome board
Walk them through the office and re-introduce them to everyone
Have 80% of their day planned out and a goal for the 1st day or week
Share Company Stories especially ones that highlight core values
Have all passwords and accounts written down for them


Slow Down - everything you know about your company and service doesn't need to come out on day one.

Listen - let them talk and really listen

If possible bring them into the office even if they are going to be a remote employee

Have them work with your "A" players first - first impressions count

Share something personal (not too personal) with them to start building rapport

First 90 days

What they should be able to do

By 30 days

Learn the tools
Become Familiar with the Culture
Complete at least one small independent project or be working service tickets
Achieve a small goal

By 60 Days

Complete a bigger Project or be able to support the customer base.
Take on some longer term responsibilities - measure with your metrics
Become fully engaged in the company rhythms - huddles, meetings and metrics

By 90 Days

Be able to fully handle the jobs responsibilities with minimal supervision

What you need to do

Don't forget to keep it fun - pay special attention to this if the employee is remote.
Lay out goals for them  daily, weekly and for the 1st 90 days - remember this is the "probation period"
Check in daily and assess the goal progression
Force them to use your systems - change is hard but habits can be changed in about three weeks.
Take note of their promptness or tardiness.   Use this for discussion during their 90 day review.
Start the Baptisim by Fire and see if they sink or swim
Have a review meeting around the 90 day mark.

If you spot a problem deal with it right away

Don't be afraid to fail fast - if you made a hiri...