In this two-part series, I have Scott Brisbane on the show who has been practising in Melbourne as a Natural therapist since 1989. In that time he has successfully treated a wide range of conditions. His approach is innately holistic, preferring to encourage the body and mind to move naturally towards health and balance.
Over the years Scott has honed his skills and techniques to get better outcomes in less time. He uses acupuncture and craniosacral therapy either as stand-alone treatments or in combination to help restore homeostasis to the body and mind. If needed, natural remedies in the form of flower essences and homeopathic medicines, are used judiciously according to the philosophy that 'less is best' to achieve maximum benefit from the least intervention

I am excited to have Scott on today as he has not just an extensive knowledge and experience but a passion for using flower essences! Which is also something I love to prescribe and use in my practice.

Some of the things you'll discover in this week's episodes are:


+ Scotts top 3 favourite Flower Essences and why

+ How Scott used Flower Essences in his own life

+ How to choose the right flower essence for you and what is the best way to take them

+ Whether you should continually take them or should you have breaks in between

+ What changes can you expect and how long do they take

+ What happens when you take to much of a remedy

+ The challenges to expect when taking flower essences

+ Flower Essences to support you in times of stress and anxiety even Christmas!




Dr Masuru Emoto's Water Experiment

+ Bach Flowers HERE

+ Californian Essences HERE

+ Western Australia Essences HERE

+ Australian Bush Flower essences HERE

+ Ian White Books on Australian Bush Flower essences that Scott Recommended


Scotts top 3 favourite Bush flower essences:

Five Corners: To help people with dislike of self and low self-esteem
Fringed Violet and Grey Spider: Great generalised anxiety remedy mixed together (excellent remedy to take around Christmas!)


Other Australian Bush flower essences mentioned in the podcast:

Bush Fuchsia: For communication and intuition
Boab: To help clear inherited emotional energies that can stick around in families
Dagger Hakea: Resentment towards people
Mountain Devil: Generalised anger
Red Helmet Orchid: Anger towards authority figures



+ Website:



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I would also really love to hear about your own health journey, what your struggling with and what you'd love to hear covered in upcoming episodes please leave me a comment below or reach out to me at [email protected]