If being kinky is a spectrum from a simple roleplay all the way to chastity and eternal servitude, where does a new Pro Domme (Dominatrix) fall into it? Kicking off a string of BDSM focused guests is someone on the newer side of Pro Domming, but who is no stranger to smut. Mistress Nikita Reign is a true performance artist. From peep shows to titty bars to her latest medium: Domination. We talk to Nikita about the difference between Pro Domming in Australia versus the U.S., the role of community within sex work, and why strippers should thinking about having QR codes on their G-Strings. PLUS we answers a listener Q about what to do when you think your partner is depressed.

For everything Mistress Nikita Reign: nikitareign.com
And follow her on instagram: @mistress_nikitareign

Tickets for the Oct 1st Pass the Porn event at House of Yes are available at houseofyes.org

------~ Follow us on social media ~-------
The show: @isourlove_____
Lola Jean: @lolajeandotcom
Classes & Instruction: lolajean.com
Stephen Penta: @thereluctantsexpert

This weeks' end of episode song is our favorite BDSM themed Bowie tune: "I Would Be Your Slave"
Our official theme songs are composed & recorded by our good friends at hyperballadmusic.com