Day 287 - Matthew 15 to 17

Chapter 15 – Jesus teaches that it is the things that come from the inner man that mars or spoils a person, not what they put in. The Canaanite woman persists in asking Jesus to heal her daughter. And we also see the feeding of the 4,000.

Chapter 16 – The leaders ask Jesus for a sign. Jesus warns the disciples to beware of the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Simon Peter professes Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus prepares the disciples for His coming death.

Chapter 17 – Jesus takes His inner circle with Him up the mountain where He is transfigured, and He appears with Elijah and Moses. After coming down from the mountain, He heals a boy tormented by demons. And in addressing the question of paying taxes, He directs Peter to go to the sea where he will find a fish with a coin in its mouth.


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