Summary of Mat 13-14
Chp 13  Jesus shares various parables to illustrate principles of the kingdom. A parable is a method of teaching in which a story is used to illustrate a spiritual principle.  One of the parables used in this passage – parable of the Sower: which is in comparison to a farmer going out to plant seeds in a field and depending upon the type of soils those seeds are planted in will determine the harvest it will reap.  So it is with Believers, the seed, which is the Word of God is to be planted in the grounds of our hearts.  However, we must first take note of the condition of our hearts.  Are our hearts open and ready to receive a word from God?
Chp 14  Through a scheme of manipulation by the daughter of Herodias, Herod promised to give her whatever she wished for and she stated “ Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.  Therefore John the Baptist was beheaded.   As the chapter continues, Jesus demonstrates the power of the Father by feeding 5,000 men, not including women or children, with five loaves of bread and two fishes.
  The chapter concludes with Jesus’ walking on water and encouraging Peter to use his faith to do the same.  It was all going well until Peter was distracted by a wind and began to sink.  Jesus reaches out his hand to save him and state “You of little faith, why did you doubt?  This is a reminder that when the Father speaks a rhema word, something that seems impossible in the natural, do not doubt what He says regardless of how it looks in the physical but continue to stay anchored to that Word and move by faith until its manifestation.


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