Previous Episode: Elonda Reads Lev 21-23

Hebrew name of the Book:
In Hebrew the book is called Vayikra
Who wrote the book:
The book was written by Prophet Moses
Number of Chapters:
There are 27 chapters in Leviticus
Date The Book was written
1467 BC
Highlights of the Book
The book of Leviticus talks about the Laws which the Lord gave the Israelites and I will be highlighting some of those laws which also apply to our Christian life
A peace offering should be from the herd or the flock slaughter it at the Tabernacle. The priest shall burn it on the altar as food.
If anyone sins unintentionally, they should slaughter a bull, a goat or a lamb. The priest shall burn it to the Lord to make atonement.
The meat of peace offering must be eaten within two days.
A male child shall be circumcised on the eighth day. A woman who gives birth shall bring offerings after her days of purification.
Don’t have sex with a relative.
Be holy. Keep my Sabbath. Don’t turn to idols. Love your neighbor as yourself.
A priest must not make himself unclean and must marry a virgin.
Finally God said if you keep my laws I will give peace in the land and make you fruitful. If not I will scatter you but I will not break my covenant.


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