Previous Episode: Ria Reads Ezekiel 23-24

Bible Summary Day 253
Ezekiel Chapter 25: In this chapter God said to punish the Ammonites for rejoicing over the destruction of Israel and the defilement of God’s Temple, God’s going to allow them to be conquered and devastated as well. Also, in return for their vengefulness, the Philistines and Cherethites and people of the seacoast will all be devastated by God’s wrath.

Ezekiel Chapter 26: In this chapter the word of God came upon Ezekiel again telling them how God will destroy the city, cover it with the waters of the sea, and force the people down into The Pit.

Ezekiel Chapter 27: This chapter the word of God came upon Ezekiel again talking about extended lamentation over the beauty and grandeur of Tyre.


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