Day 12
Summary Gen 38-40

Judah is one of Jacob’s 12 sons.  He marries a Canaanite and have three sons—Er, Onan and Shelah Judah gets a wife for his first born Er and her name is Tamar.  Because Er was wicked in the eyes of the Lord, he put him to death. Because of his wickedness, Onan was also put to death. Tamar had borne no children and was promised that when the youngest son Shelah was old enough, he would be given to her, but that never happens.  Eventually Judah’s wife dies also. Tamar discovers that her father-in-law, Judah is going to a certain town to shear his sheep.  She digues herself as a prostitute and stands at the entrance of the town. When Judah approaches, he asks to sleep with her, not knowing that it was his daughter-in-law, Tamar.  Her response was, what will you give me in return?  She was givenp some of his personal items for collateral – his seal, his cord and his staff.  Later she discovered she was pregnant. When Judah sent one of his aides to retrieve his items. The prostitute was nowhere to be found. Judah got word that Tamar was pregnant.  He suggested that she be burned to death. She sent a message to Judah that she was pregnant by a man that certain items belonged to and he recognized the items as his own.  Judah said that she was more righteous than he was since he did not give his son Shelah as promised.  She gave birth to twin boys.
·      God demise wickedness to the point of death as the case with Er and Onan
·      Although Tamar was constantly deceived, she was still blessed with not one, but two sons.
Chp 39
After being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph ends up in Egypt living in the household of Potiphar, who was one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard. Pharaoh is the king of Egypt.
Potiphar began to take notice that God was with Joseph, that whatever he did, he prospered and had great success. Joseph began to have favor with him and he became his personal assistant and was eventually put in charge of his entire household and everything that Potiphar owned was entrusted to him. Once Joseph was put in charge, the Lord blessed everything that Potiphar owned, including his household and his fields. The only thing Potiphar was concern with was the food he ate.
Being that Joseph was handsome and well built, Potiphar’s wife began to take notice of him as well. She solicited him to sleep with her but he refused.  For he reminded her that his master had entrusted all of his affairs into his care and he could not betray him like that but most of all he could not “sin” against God.  Being persistent, it didn’t stop there.  Day after day, she continued to persuade Joseph to sleep with her.  Seeing that she was not going to get her way, she decides to plot a scheme against Joseph, stating that while alone in the house, he entered and tried to sleep with her and left his cloak as evidence.  Potiphar was informed, became enraged and put Joseph in prison.  However, while in prison, the Lord was with him, and he found favor with the warden.  The warden favored Joseph to the point, he put him in charge of all of those held in prison and made him responsible for all that was done there. Because the Lord was with Joseph, he had success once again in whatever he did.
·      To be encouraged that although a situation may look like it is working against, when we bring it to God, it will always be used for our good as in the case with Joseph.
·      Know that when the favor of God is on your life, others around you will take notice.  They may not be able to identify what it is but they know it is something different.  This opens the door for Christians to share their relationship with God to the world around them.
·      Joseph was able to resist temptation – Potiphar’s wife- not only because of his faithfulness to his master but more so because of his relationship with God.  He stated that he could not sin against God.
Chp 40
Cupbearer and Baker


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