Valves are critical to every irrigation system. Unfortunately, operation issues with valves cause many problems for growers and water managers, including wasted water, plant stress, and crop loss.

Because electrical and mechanical issues cause valve issues, troubleshooting can be complex for many. Michael Pippen has spent a lifetime in irrigation and developed an easy, concise, and accurate strategy for troubleshooting irrigation valves and shares it with us.

In this session, you will learn:

How to quickly check the irrigation basics for clues to the valve problem.

Understand what symptoms point to electrical problems and what points to mechanical issues.

What water leaks from the valve mean.

What water hammer is and how it damages your system.

What to do when your valve doesn’t turn off.

What to do when your valve doesn’t turn on.

This session will make your life easier, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.