In revisiting the Holy Spirit, Jeff and Allen explore their Pentecostal and “cessationist” roots through deconstruction and beyond.  Scriptures, liberation and process theology, ecology, pragmatism, panentheism, and more combine to inform their perspectives in this lively discussion. They also give an update about the state of the podcast and play a game in which they have to guess whether a name belongs to an X-treme sports brand or youth group.


Conversation on Revisiting the Holy Spirit (02:12)

State of Irenicast Survey Review (50:35)

Youth Group of Sports Brand Segment (55:59)


Our listener survey is still up if you would like to provide Irenicast with your thoughts on our content.  It can be found at


From Our Conversation on Revisiting the Holy Spirit

Foundations of Pentecostal Theology by Guy P. Duffield and N.M. Van Cleave (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Benny Hinn (Televangelist & Faith Healer) Nicene Creed First Council of Nicaea Chalcedonian Creed The Forgotten God by Francis Chan (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) U2 - Mysterious Ways (YouTube Video) Mark Van Steenwyk (author and former guest of Irenicast) Interview with Author Mark Van Steenwyk – 062 (Irenicast Episode) Facebook Status Allen mentions Enuma Elish (Babylonian Creation Epic) Ruach (Hebrew Word for Spirit) Psalm 104 (NRSV) Wolfhart Pannenberg (German Theologian) Nephesh (Hebrew word for soul, life or creature) Second Temple Judaism (Wiki) Pneuma (Greek Word for Spirit) Parakletos (Greek word for Helper or Comforter) The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr (Book - Amazon Affiliate Link) Howard Washington Thurman (American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader.) Liberation Theology Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (Theologian) Gigapixels of Andromeda [4K] (YouTube Video) Christian author: Trump is under attack from ‘multidimensional Luciferian advanced beings’ (Article)  


From Our Segment

Understanding Teenagers – Developing Your AdoleSENSE – 038 (Irenicast Episode) Heaven's Gate (Religious Group) The Extreme Team (2003 Film)


Thank you for listening to Irenicast.  If you appreciate the show please consider sharing your appreciation by rating, reviewing and/or subscribing to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or whatever platform you’re listening on.

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Jeff Manildi | co-host and producer | [email protected]

Jeff  is the Director of Discipleship at a United Methodist church on the central coast of California and co-founder of Irenicast.  In addition to getting his B.A. in Theology, he also received his ordination through the prestigious online organization of The Universal Life Church whose alumni include the likes of Conan O’Brien and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.  Jeff loves all things that tell a story: people, movies, tv, music, comics, etc.

You can follow Jeff (@JeffManildi) on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.  You can also listen to Jeff’s other podcast Divine Cinema.

Rev. Allen Marshall O’Brien | co-host | [email protected]

Allen is the pastor of a UCC church in Northern California and co-founder of Irenicast. He believes in the importance of education, peace, and ecology, throws things to his border collie Sonata, and writes for multiple platforms.

You can follow Allen (@RevAllenOB) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Good Reads.  Also if you are in the Sacramento, CA area check out Allen’s brick and mortar version of this podcast called Intersections.


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