As some Evangelical churches shift toward progressive policies and theologies, do they do so in proximity to whiteness? What does it mean to be progressive or to inhabit progressive spaces? Guest Joey Torres discusses his doctoral research and contemplates the trajectory of American Evangelicalism.

Joey Torres is a doctoral student and teaching assistant in the Study of Religion at UC Davis.  To learn more about his work you can follow him on Facebook or email him at [email protected].


Congratulations to Katelyn Deininger Thompson for being the winner of Jamie Wright’s book The Very Worst Missionary.

Although the drawing is over you can still take our survey.  It is so helpful to get a better grasp of where our listeners are coming from so we can continue to improve the show.  You can fill out the survey at


From Our Conversation with Joey Torres on Evangelicals Proximity to Whiteness

He has become a hashtag and a movement for change. But who was the real Stephon Clark? (Sacramento Bee Article) California Proposition 8 (2008) - A California ballot measure that made same sex marriage illegal, which was later overturned.


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Jeff Manildi | co-host and producer | [email protected]

Jeff is currently the Director of Discipleship at a United Methodist church on the central coast of California.  In addition to getting his B.A. in Theology, he also received his ordination through the prestigious online organization of The Universal Life Church whose alumni include the likes of Conan O’Brien and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  Jeff loves all things that tell a story: people, movies, tv, music, comics, etc.

You can follow Jeff (@JeffManildi) on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.  Also check out Jeff’s other podcast Divine Cinema.

Rev. Allen Marshall O’Brien | co-host | [email protected]

Allen is the pastor of a UCC church in Northern California and co-founder of Irenicast. He believes in the importance of education, peace, and ecology, throws things to his border collie Sonata, and writes for multiple platforms.

You can follow Allen (@AllenOB) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Good Reads.  Also if you are in the Sacramento, CA area check out Allen’s brick and mortar version of this podcast called Intersections.


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