IoT Playbook practices what it preaches, and host Mark Smith has officially become an IoTMSP. In this session of IoT Playbook, you will learn how to identify the top success factors in building an IoT managed service offer.

Mark Smith provides an elaborate example of how he is using the top success factors in his own IoT managed service offer. And he explains his new IoT opportunity using the IoT Playbook framework from episode six.

Head over to to learn this new copywriting framework. If you want to see how to use the IoT Playbook copywriting framework to build your offer, visit to access the free offer builder tool that will help you quickly create the perfect IoT services offer that will convert into new sales.

What You Will Learn: The top success factors in building an IoT offer How Mark is using the top success factors in his own IoT managed service offer How Mark explains his new IoT opportunity using the IoT Playbook framework from episode six An in-depth explanation of my IoT managed service offer How to create your own foolproof IoT offer using the IoT Playbook Offer Builder The IoT Playbook Offer Builder In Action

Problem: Colorado’s new oil and gas regulation requires continuous methane leak detection.
Loss: Firms have to comply which would increase their costs tenfold or bring on heavy fines.
Avatar: Gas operators who want to comply with the new regulation code SB-181.
Yes: The pilot client is working with IoT Playbook on a proof of concept. They are estimating a purchase of 100 pads worth of the IoT managed service which would be a ten million dollar deal.
Business Model: IoT Playbook offers real-time methane leak detection as a service.
Offer: Infrared and optical camera pairs, AI detection and software monitoring, and integration with SCADA systems are all components of the IoT Playbook offer.
Offer Now: Presentation of the methane leak detection solution.
Kall to Action: If you are in the oil and gas space and want to learn more, visit

The Top Success Factors

Problem: What is the number one problem you’re solving for your customers? Urgency, scarcity, and scale of the problem determine the value of your IoT managed service.
Prospect: Who is your potential buyer?
Product: What is your solution/offer stack?
Process: What is your unique process for delivering your solution? Consider branding it with an original name to distinguish it from other similar processes.
Projection: How much time, how many leads, and how many sales do you need to achieve your goal?
Plan: What is your plan to achieve all of the above?

The Top Success Factors Example

Problem: Colorado regulation SB-181 requires continuous methane leak detection.
Prospect: Every oil and gas operator in Colorado and other states that are introducing similar regulations.
Product: Infrared and optical camera pairs, AI detection and software monitoring, and integration with SCADA systems.
Process: Design, setup, ongoing maintenance, and software monitoring.
Projection: If IoT Playbook only won business from 10% of the pads in colorado, it would still be roughly 4,300 pads.
Plan: Market to existing clients of Clean Connect because it is a sister company to an existing oil and gas automation company, partnering with the camera company, and leveraging the co-founder’s client relationships.

If you want to follow my journey with Clean Connect, visit to access the free offer builder tool that will help you quickly create the perfect IoT services offer that will convert into new sales. I will be using numerous examples from my own IoT managed service business so that you can work through similar challenges in real-time.

IoT Playbook Resources: Learn How to Get Started With This Free Online Class: