If you are a parent, then you don't want to miss this episode! The author of the book How to Raise an Adult, Julie Lythcott-Haims, joins us as we talk about strategies for raising children to be independent, well-adjusted, and happy. Julie shares so many nuggets of wisdom in this discussion, including the acronym ARC, which is a focus in parenting on agency, resilience, and compassion.

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Follow Ms. Lythcott-Haims @jlythcotthaims and visit her website to learn more about her and her books at http://julielythcotthaims.com/.

Julie Lythcott-Haims believes in humans. Humans need agency in order to make their way forward; Julie is deeply interested in what gets in our way. She is the New York Times bestselling author of How to Raise an Adult, an anti-helicopter parenting manifesto that gave rise to one of the top TED Talks of 2016, which has been viewed close to 5 million times. Her second book is the critically-acclaimed and award-winning prose poetry memoir Real American, which illustrates her experience with racism and her journey toward self-acceptance. She wrote the foreword for Writing Memoir, a book of writing prompts developed by Julie and her colleagues at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, for those hungry to share their lived experiences. A fourth book, It’s Your Turn: The Real How-to on Adulting, will be out in early 2021.

Julie is a former corporate lawyer and Stanford dean, and she holds a BA from Stanford, a JD from Harvard, and an MFA in Writing from California College of the Arts.