Website/Blog, Twitter, & Instagram Handle


Twitter: ‎@TiffanyKairos

Instagram:‎ @TiffanyKairos



The Good Place

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Maison Kimhekim

Name *

Tiffany Kairos

Disorder Info

What is your disorder? *


At what age did your disorder become a daily issue? *


Who were you before your illness became debilitating? *

Tiffany Kairos

What would you do if you were not dealing with your invisible illness? *


What would you like people to know about your daily life? *

I endure seizures while advocate awareness of epilepsy (My organization The Epilepsy Network (TEN), blogging and take care of my household) so it’s quite the task but I manage.

What would make living and moving in the world easier for you? *

Having my seizures managed

Do you have any life hacks? *

Telling my spouse, family, friends what I’m about to do ahead of time in case a seizure should occur.

What kind of support do you get from family or friends? *

I’m unable to drive so they offer to drive me where I need to go. If I need an ear to listen, they pause to listen and give me advice and encouragement.

Have you ever had someone, or a medical professional, not believe you have an invisible illness because of your appearance and if so are there any examples that stand out? *

I attempted to apply for disability and was denied because I didn’t physically appear Ill enough.

How has your chronic illness affected your relationships? *

It has drawn us (family) closer together. Strengthened our relationships. Helped us realize how precious and fleeting life is.

Is there anything you are afraid to tell people in your life? *


What is your best coping mechanism? *

Talking with God Or going to the Bible is my #1 go-to. Secondly my husband always encourages me and uplifts in my time of need.

What are you the most concerned about and the most hopeful for in the future? *

Not being able to potentially have children and I’m hopeful to start a family.

Is there anything you want to make sure we talk about during the interview? Like an organization you want to promote or something specific that you deal with.

The Epilepsy Network (TEN), My Blog, my husband and I

What makes you energized or enthusiastic? What drains you?

My advocacy work energizes me, helping others who are affected by epilepsy. What drains me is my seizures.

Any favorite books or shows?

My favorite books are The Bible and The Power of Positive Thinking

What is the hardest and/or best lesson your condition has taught you?

The best lesson my condition has taught me is to take care of my body/my health.

What is the best purchase under $100 that helped your life

Organic foods

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