
www.familyhealthadvocacy.com  + https://www.streetsvillechiropractic.com/

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Brene Brown’s talk with Tim Ferris (SO AMAZING, A MUST LISTEN!)


What is your profession?

Chiropractors & Functional Medicine Practitioners


What’s your business?

Our private practice is called Streetsville Chiropractic & we are also co-founders of Family Health Advocacy.


What types of patients/conditions do you work with?

We work with patients who are of all ages that come in for general wellness and those with a myriad of conditions.  Many patients come to us experiencing chronic pain of various causes and among them, people who are suffering with Fibromyalgia.


What makes your approach to care unique?

We take a natural approach to healing. We believe that the body has an ability to heal if given the opportunity to however we understand that is more difficult for some people than others. We look at the entire body and how it is connected as a whole. Emotional, chemical and physical stress causes interference to the body’s ability to heal. We help patients identify and peel back the layers of healing interference.


How did illness shape your career?

For Casey, his injury and chronic pain brought his empathy to the next level and allows his him to relate to people who struggle with their simple tasks of daily life.


What do/did you do when you don’t know what to do about patient?

We have a strong network of practitioners that we are connected with through Family Health Advocacy in addition to having the two of us plus our father and brother who are also natural healthcare practitioners.  We use this network to bounce ideas, share success stories and motivate each other to serve greater. It’s easy to get a 2nd opinion within our clinic but also from other practitioners.


Are/were you open about your illnesses with your patients?

Absolutely. We are very transparent with our patients and community. We prefer to be authentic and honest.  We find this builds stronger relationships which is what life is all about.


What does “trust” mean to you in the patient-practitioner relationship?

Trust means that the patient knows that unconditionally the doctor will provide a non-judgement, safe and loving space for the patient to be comfortable and open in.  We tend to attract these types of relationships with our patients. They tell us everything, sometimes even unrelated to conditions they present with and that we know they haven’t told anyone else. We feel that it’s an honor to serve them and we treat the relationship like its sacred. Our patients know we will go to bat for them!



What are you most passionate about in regard to your work/helping people?  We are passionate about getting results and celebrating them every step of the way. This is what drives us and our team.


How do/did you handle being a practitioner, patient and personal life?

We have a unique set up in that we spend most weekends together at the cottage and can debrief the week or bounce ideas off of each other. So even when we leave the office, we have an outlet to express emotions, ideas, frustrations, stories that we experienced during the busy week prior. If a patient is in need or urgent care, between the three of us (Casey, Morgan & our father) we are able to deliver support. However, most of the time, when we are not at the office, we check out and indulge in hobbies we love and are passionate about. For Casey, he has a partner, 2 kids and a dog. He enjoys running, playing hockey, golfing, surfing, boating and reading. For Morgan, she is married and 6 months pregnant. She runs a dog rescue charity, enjoys doing interval training, wake surfing, long boarding and spending time with her two rescue dogs.  To be honest, it took us awhile to get work-life balance in our life. For many years we were work horses and were unstoppable. Thankfully life experience and wisdom has brought us to a more balanced life.


Do you tell your patients what you tell yourself/do you practice what you preach?

For the most part. 80% yes. We are Not perfect and there is room for improvement. It is nice that we can hold each other accountably otherwise we may not be 80% there J 


How do you research conditions? On your own? Drug companies? Medical journals? Colleagues?

How do you convey this knowledge to patients?

We research on our own. We do read peer reviewed research. We came out of chiropractic college and functional medicine university with a lot of knowledge. However, we learn additional details or information through research ourselves. We discuss what we have learned on a weekly basis.


Tell us about a special experience with a patient that you found to be inspiring.

Page 38 in our book is Lucas’s Testimonial. Pretty moving experience, he had with Fibromyalgia!

We focused on removing nerve interference when Lucas would come into the office.  We educated him on mindset, nutrition, exercise and toxicity and guided him through the small steps to take to remove healing interference and making his body a healing machine. We provided him hope, when no one else would.


What is one message you want to send out to every chronic illness patient out there?

Have HOPE, and if you can’t, find someone to have hope for you! This is usually the case with many patients when they walk into our office.

Also know that most people have something going on in their life that is challenging, and they have their battles. For some it may be mental illness, the loss of a loved one, cancer, heart disease, financial stress / job loss. This isn’t to make you feel better about Fibromyalgia, but to make you feel better that you are not alone.





What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impact your life in the last 6 months? Or in

recent memory?

For Casey, 3 pairs of sunglasses for $30 on Amazon. They feel great, they look great.  Morgan liked them so much, she bought two packs. We both were constantly losing sunglasses so we decided spending money on them resulted in us feeling frustrated when we misplaced them. Now we have little attachment to these!


In the last 5 years, what new belief, behavior or habit has most improved your life?

Casey: Intermittent fasting.


If you could have a giant billboard (metaphorically speaking) that could get a message out to

millions or billions of people, what would it say and why? It could be a few words, a sentence or

a few. It can be your quote or, if helpful, someone else’s quote. Are there any quotes you think of

often or live your life by?

“You never know how far reaching something you think, say or do today, will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.” -BJ Palmer












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