When it comes to crisis management, law enforcement has one of the most challenging tasks. Not only does their crisis management involve real dangers and the important mission of keeping their communities and themselves safe and out of harms way, but it also includes a need for effective and nearly instantaneous communications. And while the former challenge has always been a part of their job description, the latter is relatively new with ever evolving real-time challenges. Challenges that can be difficult and grueling to overcome.

Those of you who have followed me for a while know that I am dedicated to helping law enforcement agencies implement a 21st century crisis-ready culture. Whether it be through my work with law enforcement agencies, EMDs, cities and municipalities, or by leveraging my blog, podcast or #crisisready video series. This is why I was honored when Brian Willis reached out to invite me onto his podcast for his Excellence In Training Academy, which is “a membership site for law enforcement trainers who are committed to the pursuit of excellence in their life and in their training”.

Brian does some amazing work within the law enforcement profession, including being the cofounder of WINx, an annual conference targeted for law enforcement professionals who aren’t happy with the status quo and are willing to be part of the growth and evolution of the law enforcement profession.

Brian was also gracious enough to allow me to repurpose the podcast we recorded together and share it with all of you. It’s a dynamic discussion with lots of great advice and takeaways for the law enforcement profession, so be sure to tune in!

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Connect with Brian and Melissa About host, Melissa Agnes

Learn more about Melissa Agnes
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About guest, Brian Willis

Brian has 25 years experience as a full time police officer. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his commitment and contributions to officer safety in Canada and was honored as the Law Officer Trainer of the Year in 2011. Brian also has 25 years experience as a law enforcement trainer. He works with law enforcement trainers who love to teach, are committed to their own learning and are passionate about helping their officers perform at their best.

If you’re in the law enforcement profession and haven’t done so already, please check out Brian’s Excellence In Training Academy. I also encourage you to watch Brian’s TEDx talk: The Most Dangerous Weapon in Law Enforcement.

Learn more about Brian and connect with him on LinkedIn Follow Brian on Twitter: @BrianRWillis Check out Brian’s consulting agency: Winning Mind Training Visit lifesmostpowerfulquestion.com to learn more about “what’s important now?” as a crisis management strategy Discover WINx and register to attend this year’s conference in Chicago! Listen to a past episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast with Brian Willis

I’d like to extend a big thanks to Brian for welcoming me into his Excellence in Training Academy by means of this podcast. Our discussion is an important one and I look forward to continuing it and helping where I can.

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