I recently had the honor of sitting down with Daniel Linksey, former Superintendent in Chief of the Boston Police Department, to record an episode of the Crisis Intelligence Podcast. Dan was the incident commander during the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Within this podcast, Dan shares his first-hand experience of what it was like to manage the Boston Marathon Bombing crisis. He goes into great detail about everything from how he mustered up the courage to lead his team through the management of this horrific day; to how he and his team successfully positioned Boston PD as the source of credible information and updates throughout the management of the incident; how they filtered through the thousands upon thousands of informational tips, videos and photos to successfully identify and ultimately capture the terrorists – and so much more.

This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:

The importance of using the right language within your crisis communications
Dan’s personal story about what it was like to have the responsibility of being Commander in Chief during a horrific event like the Boston Marathon Bombing
How to control the accuracy of the information you share in a crisis, while still meeting the expectation of real-time updates
The biggest lessons and takeaways Dan and his team learned throughout this entire experience
Tips to getting buy-in from leadership to incorporate the digital landscape and the need for real-time communications into your crisis preparedness strategy

Don’t miss Dan’s captivating, emotional story and all of the tremendous advice and implementable takeaways he shares!

Please note that the quality of the audio of this podcast is a little less than usual. This is due to the fact that I’m in the process of a move and my office is empty (which makes it echoey) and the fact that the Skype connection was a little shaky. However, the quality of the content within this podcast is top notch, so I hope you’ll forgive me for the less than perfect audio. Thanks for your understanding!

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About host, Melissa Agnes

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About guest, Daniel Linskey


A big thank you to Dan for, not just taking the time to share your story and experience with us, but for your continued service to your Country. You’re a true leader and a tremendous example for us all to learn from.



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