Welcome to episode #054 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Claudia Liute.

Claudia is a humanitarian who works on the ground in some very hostile and conflicted crisis-affected communities. In her experience, one of the things she sees far too often is people rushing in with the best of intentions for helping, but too often forgetting to first take the time to speak with the communities to get their take on things, their needs and preferred means of communication. This, unfortunately runs true on many levels of crisis management, not just in humanitarian work.

In this episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, Claudia and I discuss the importance of asking questions and assessing situations before pushing out crisis communications. But make no mistake! This must all be done swiftly and effectively as timely communications are of equal importance in times of crisis. But in order to be truly effective, you must first listen and assess.

Join Claudia and I as we discuss tips and tricks for successfully achieving this, as well as ways to strategize and set goals for measuring accuracy and success in your crisis management. This episode is a little longer than usual, but it’s worth the listen!

This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:

Swift trust-building techniques.
Technology’s impact on crisis communications and humanitarian work.
Strategic ways to create long-lived and short-lived crisis communication messages that achieve results.
Tips for communicating with people impacted by rumors and propaganda.
Evaluation techniques to help you better understand your stakeholders in order to better communicate with them in a crisis.
How to identify and measure results.

There are lots of great crisis communications advice shared in this podcast – and lots of great stories told. Enjoy!

Running time: 1:18:05

Documents mentioned in podcast

Download a description of the toolkit Claudia talks about
Here’s a link to the toolkit
Ernesto Sirolli’s TED talk: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!

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About host, Melissa Agnes

Learn more about Melissa Agnes
Follow Melissa on Twitter: @melissa_agnes
Connect with Melissa on LinkedIn
Email Melissa directly: [email protected]

Learn more about Agnes + Day, Melissa’s crisis management firm.

About guest, Claudia Liute

Learn more about Claudia and connect with her on LinkedIn
Be sure to check out the informative articles Claudia publishes to LinkedIn as well.
Connect with Claudia on Twitter: @ClaudiaLiute

Thanks to Claudia for taking the time to share your experience and great stories with us!

This post, TCIP #054 – Communicating with Crisis-Affected Communities with Claudia Liute, was first published to melissaagnes.com.

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