Welcome to episode #049 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes, Karen Freberg and Kristin Saling.

Karen Freberg and Kristin Saling are more than sisters, they’re research colleagues. They recently conducted an academic study to determine the characteristics and attributes that make a good crisis communication message on social media. When I discovered their research, I knew I had to have them on TCIP to discuss their findings!

In this week’s episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, I sat down with Karen and Kristin to discuss their study, its focus and its findings. What’s interesting (yet not surprising) is that the results of their study provide an academic research basis to support what crisis professionals in the field, such as myself, have been preaching and teaching to clients for years.

With that said, tune in to discover what their study suggests is the recipe for effective crisis management messaging on social media.

This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:

The Q-Sort method and how it was used to determine what makes a good crisis communication message.
How different people want to receive different types of information and updates throughout a crisis.
The results of the study: What actually makes a good crisis message on social media.
What all of this means to your organization.

Karen and Kristin are both smart and fun to chat with – and listen to. Enjoy!

Running time: 49:42

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Links and studies mentioned in this podcast

Download a copy of Karen and Kristin’s Situational Q-Sort Study (2013)
Download a copy of Karen and Kristin’s article: “Using value modeling to evaluate social media messages: The case of Hurricane Irene

About host, Melissa Agnes

Learn more about Melissa Agnes
Follow Melissa on Twitter: @melissa_agnes
Connect with Melissa on LinkedIn
Email Melissa directly: [email protected]

Learn more about Agnes + Day, Melissa’s crisis management firm.

About guest, Karen Freberg

Check out Karen’s blog: karenfreberg.com/blog
Follow Karen on Twitter: @kfreberg

About guest, Kristin Saling

Check out Kristin’s blog: kcsaling.com
Follow Kristin on Twitter: @kcsaling

Thanks to Karen and Kristin for taking the time to share your study and its findings with us!

This post, TCIP #049 - What Makes a Good Crisis Message with Karen Freberg and Kristin Saling, was originally published to melissaagnes.com.

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