Welcome to episode #033 of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, with Melissa Agnes and Brad Phillips.

When it comes to crisis media training, there are so many questions that people (whether it be spokespersons or the communication and leadership teams) seek answers to.

The truth is that your company spokesperson’s toughest task will be to communicate on behalf of your brand in a crisis – when the stakes are at their highest and the pressure is on.

Within this episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast, I sit down with Brad Phillips, a.k.a. Mr. Media Training, to discuss the challenges of crisis spokesperson training. Brad and I discuss life as crisis and media training consultants and the tricks and tactics we’ve learned along the way. We have some laughs and, if you’re a consultant or part of your organization’s communications team, you’re sure to find some valuable takeaways within this episode.

The lightening round

I spontaneously did something a little different – and super fun! – in this episode. There were just too many questions I wanted to ask and discuss with Brad and not enough time, so we decided to end with a lightening round where I ask Brad a series of commonly asked questions in rapid succession and he replies thoroughly, but as quickly as possible. It’s entertaining and very resourceful, so be sure to tune in until the very end!

This episode of The Crisis Intelligence Podcast discusses:

What makes a good spokesperson for crisis communication.
The real-time news cycle and how it impacts in a crisis.
Tips for making communications “social media friendly”.
Biggest mistakes spokespeople make in crisis – and how you can avoid them.
How to save a client or brand who has already stuck their foot in their mouth.

It's a fun and informative listen. Enjoy!

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Learn more about Melissa Agnes
Follow Melissa on Twitter: @melissa_agnes
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Learn more about Agnes + Day, The Crisis Intelligence Firm.

Subscribe to Brad’s blog: MrMediaTraining.com
A must read! Brad’s book: The Media Training Bible: 101 Things You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know Before Your Next Interview
Check out Brad’s media training company: Phillips Media Relations
Follow Brad on Twitter: @MrMediaTraining
Email Brad directly: [email protected]

Thanks to Brad for having this fun and interesting conversation with me!

This post, TCIP #033 – Crisis Spokesperson Training with Brad Phillips, first appeared on melissaagnes.com.

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