Humor Engineer, Drew Tarvin, joins the Invincible Brand Podcast to discuss how humor can be used to effectively help solve so many common workplace issues, such as a lack of employee engagement, stress management, communication issues, and much more.

About this episode

Drew’s outlook on life and the way he helps organizations use humor to solve internal issues, build a stronger culture, and increase productivity is unique and effective. It also aligns with the crisis ready philosophy and mindset, providing another piece to building brand invincibility.

During this conversation, Drew shares how a humoristic outlook and application improves communication, helps build relationships, improves problem solving skills, increases productivity, and helps to strengthen leadership. And the best part, is that it is simple to implement whether you believe yourself to be a funny person or not!

This was not only a fun and interesting conversation, but it’s so applicable and offers so many advantages. Tune in, laugh a little, learn, and then pass it on. This is one of those conversations that applies to and offers something valuable to everyone!

This episode explores: How to leverage humor to turn mundane tasks into amusing and productive moments. How to use the strategy of humor to highten meeting attendance and engagement. How being funny is a learnable skill… Drew even took me to do standup comedy and proved this to be right! (More on this story in the episode). The Don’ts of using humor in the interest of mitigating preventable risks for you and your organization. Connect with Drew Tarvin: Check out Drew’s work: Watch Drew’s TedX Talk that has over 2.4 million views: The Skill of Humor Order and read Drew’s awesome book: The United States of Laughter: One Comedian’s Journey Through All 50 States Follow Drew on Twitter: @drewtarvin Connect with Drew on LinkedIn Subscribe to Drew’s videos on YouTube

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