In a world where distractions are thrown at us at every corner, Attention Expert, Neen James, joins the Invincible Brand Podcast to share techniques for being mindful and intentional about where you dedicate your attention, in a way that prioritizes the things that matter most to your business, your team, your stakeholders, and your career.

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About this episode

We live and work amongst an overload of distractions and requirements that pull us in every direction, in almost every moment. This can make it difficult to give dedicated and mindful attention to the things that matter most to us, both personally and professionally. And yet, when we give our attention to the right things, we give and receive an abundance of opportunity and rewards in a myriad of ways.

In this episode of the Invincible Brand Podcast, Neen James discusses what it means to be intentional with our attention and how it helps foster cultures of trust, resilience, and business and reputational rewards.

This episode explores: The 3 ways people pay attention. The ways in which attention pays. Techniques to use attention to gain buy-in–and even progress your career. Cheat sheet: how to build processes that systemize your attention to strengthen relationships, progress your career, and foster the right kind of culture. Links to things discussed in this episode Pick up a copy of Neen’s book, Attention Pays Connect with Neen James: Check out the ways in which Neen helps leaders pay attention at Neen is fun to follow on Instagram! Connect with Need on LinkedIn