As we grow older, I suspect we all have moments in which we wonder whether we’re experiencing normal forgetfulness…or are we showing the first signs of dementia? We may joke about it, but we have to think about the possibility if we’re realistic. Here are four steps to take to prepare yourself and your loved ones for the possibility you may at some point suffer from diminished mental capability or be at increased risk of financial exploitation.

This is the audio version of a blog posted on our website ( on August 10, 2021. The blog post itself can be found here.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is general and intended as educational in nature. It is not intended nor should it be considered as tax, accounting, or legal advice. Investec Wealth Strategies and its advisors do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice. We recommend you seek the counsel of your attorney, accountant or other qualified tax advisor concerning your situation.