Inklings ~ Create Breathing Room: Why Waiting to Exhale is Impeding Success

Make some breathing room with this:

Many of my clients have been frustrated because they have been:

Running in Circles

Getting Stuck in the Muck

Distracted by All the Things

I keep hearing phrases like . . .

I didn’t even know I was holding my breath.

I finally took off my watch because it kept telling me to breathe.

I just don’t feel rested when I wake up.

These are all signals from your body that it’s time to pay attention to the “canary in the mine” - the breath.

When the breath changes its patterns it is trying to convey a message that something isn’t in alignment. Something is amiss. Stop all forward momentum and recalibrate before going on.

Here’s the recipe that I have created that is working for my clients:

Get outside.

Place a hand on a tree.

With the inhale, imagine the tree exhaling.

With the exhale, imagine the tree inhaling.

(Always ask the tree’s permission first for help )

Find more energy recipes here:


Irena Miller is the playfulness behind the Mystical School of Energy Adventures ( ) a space to learn the sacred arts that unlock the mysteries, hunches, and unexplainable. She has been in business for 23 years guiding curious seekers and visionary empaths on how to take rewarding action on their gut instincts. She draws on her logical background as a Decision Science major and her intuitive side as a Reiki Master, Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher, and Energy Reader. She has a free weekly show - Inklings ( ), and she works 1:1 with clients. As an Energy Alchemist and Spiritual Life Coach, she shines the light on blocked energy that can show up as physical pain, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, and glass ceilings. Continue the conversation with Irena 

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