Inklings ~ What to do when the mind races and thoughts keep coming

When the thoughts keep coming and nobody’s got time for that, try this:

Whether it’s difficulty in falling asleep or being able to focus on the task at hand, a racing mind is not helpful.

There are specific actions that can be taken to shift the energy from a chaotic urgency into one of reflection. And the ability to sort through what really needs attention now vs what is simply a distracting worry that will never come true.

Those action steps start with my CMC Energy Recipe:

Crystal - Set an energetic tone for clearing.

Mudra - Open to the possibilities of a different experience and shift the energy.

Container - Lean on a friend when it all gets to be too much.

Clear those racing thoughts and take the next step:


Irena Miller is the playfulness behind the Mystical School of Energy Adventures ( ) a space to learn the sacred arts that unlock the mysteries, hunches, and unexplainable. She has been in business for 23 years guiding curious seekers and visionary empaths on how to take rewarding action on their gut instincts. She draws on her logical background as a Decision Science major and her intuitive side as a Reiki Master, Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher, and Energy Reader. She has a free weekly show - Inklings ( ), and she works 1:1 with clients. As an Energy Alchemist and Spiritual Life Coach, she shines the light on blocked energy that can show up as physical pain, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, and glass ceilings. Continue the conversation with Irena

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