Inklings ~ How to Avoid Missing Important Messages

Avoid missing those important messages, clear the noise with this:

Empaths get important messages all day long or what they consider little nudges. Those feelings to call someone, check their e-mail, go to the store now. The challenge arises when those nudges or inklings are ignored. They can become missed opportunities.

How often does that feeling pop-up to call someone and they call instead . . . or a random text from them comes across the screen . . .

What if catching those messages didn’t have to feel so happenstance . . .

That’s where my Triple C system can help. Run those nudges through these 3 C’s to filter out the distractions:

Clear - the message is based is clear and based in loveConsistent - the overall meaning of the message doesn’t change.Calm - it comes in a quiet, indoor voice.

Then take action on those important nudges.

Clear the distracting noise with this free guided meditation:


Irena Miller is the playfulness behind the Mystical School of Energy Adventures ( ) a space to learn the sacred arts that unlock the mysteries, hunches, and unexplainable. She has been in business for 23 years guiding curious seekers and visionary empaths on how to take rewarding action on their gut instincts. She draws on her logical background as a Decision Science major and her intuitive side as a Reiki Master, Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher, and Energy Reader. She has a free weekly show - Inklings ( ), and she works 1:1 with clients. As an Energy Alchemist and Spiritual Life Coach, she shines the light on blocked energy that can show up as physical pain, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, and glass ceilings. Continue the conversation with Irena 

and grab her FREE Gift to YOU

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