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Inklings ~ How Anxiety can be Soothed by the Earth

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💔 Many of my students are going through major life changes right now. Maybe you can relate too.

💔 I have students who have recently been laid off, have experienced major life changes like moving countries, have seniors in high school or college, and worry

about what will come next. Needless to say, there is a lot that is simply out of their control.

🤷‍♀️ So what can they do to move out of the energy-draining worry that has them miss out on life right now?

🌟 Because wishing life away is not a place anyone should hang out in.

Here is what I invite them to try:

☝️ First. Remember that the Earth is one of your best friends and is a powerful ally.

These are some ways to engage with her to find relief from the merry-go-round of emotions:

🌎 Earthing

🌙 Celebrating the Rhythms of Nature - like New Moons and Full Moons

🚶‍♀️ Walking Meditations

☯️ These are just a few examples of practices that I offer to my clients. These are jumping-off points that help them shift out of analysis paralysis and into action. With the ultimate intention of no longer trying to numb the feelings. Instead, they can enjoy life right now, no matter what is going on.

Depending on where you are in your spiritual journey and energetic journey.

This might have brought up more questions than answers...and that's ok because I can help...This is what I do. And that is why people hire me. Because I'm able to provide a unique set of sacred practices to meet them where they are and walk them through to the next step. Together.

Looking for a community to play energy with check out my free Facebook Group:


Irena Miller is an Energy Alchemist + Intuitive Guide. She is the playfulness behind InSight of the Moon, a membership community connecting empaths and harnessing the energies of the Lunar Cycles ( ). Her joy is introducing you to the experience of living a harmonious, engaged, and free-flowing life! With over 20 years of experience studying and teaching energy and yoga, she still loves to see the light turn on in her students’ eyes after a practice. Irena has been featured in Runner’s World, Spark People, seen on The Shift Network, Sirius Joy, and has lead retreats and teacher trainings. She is a certified Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master and Yoga Instructor at the Experienced-500 hour level with the Yoga Alliance. With time so precious and rare, she will teach you how to leverage your invisible support team and realize that you always have support on this journey if you simply ask.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.