The power of being true to who you really are

“Most people regret the things they don't do, not the things they do” Katie Neeves

I want you to think for a moment about those feelings that come up when you are doing something that really pushes you out of your comfort zone, you know those worries about what others will think about you should you dare to speak up or share something publicly - which makes you feel incredibly vulnerable? 

Maybe you have had those feelings bit held back, maybe you have jumped in the deep end  well today we have an awesome woman on the show who knew that the only way to her being truly happy and listening to her inner truth was to take a leap of faith and how it has paid off and she has gone on to help and impact on so many more people.

Katie Neeves is a woman on a mission - but not just any woman and not just any mission! 

She lived for 48 years as a man while struggling with her gender and hiding her big secret to the World.  She was thrown into turmoil when her gender dysphoria increased dramatically, causing her to go on a voyage of discovery before finally admitting to herself that she is a transgender woman and that she needed to change her body. 

She then came out very publicly via a coming-out video which she posted on her social media and sent to all the clients of her photography and video business, risking her livelihood and reputation in the process.   

Listen in to hear her how this panned out and how she hit the live button on that original video.


Katie has since formed Cool2BTrans to support and inspire other trans people and also to educate everyone else on trans issues by showing them that trans people are just ordinary people who want to be happy - just like everyone else. 

She helps organisations with diversity and inclusion by providing trans awareness training in an entertaining way by using humour to break down barriers. 

Recent participants of Katie's sessions said it was "a masterclass in storytelling!" and "the most interesting webinar so far and definitely the funniest".  So stay tuned and you’ll understand why as she has me laughing throughout.  It’s a brilliant and inspiring episode today - get in touch and let me me know how you feel inspired?


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