How to push past barriers being a woman in a man's world

Trust Yourself Use your ‘labels’ to your advantage Speak up Talk from a point of evidence

Today we are chatting to a Chartered Construction Manager who has 35 years construction experience. They are a qualified Building Surveyor who graduated with a Degree in Building Surveying from Sheffield nearly 30 years ago, and can also add Asbestos Surveyor and Access Auditor to their list of qualifications.  

Elaine Armitage is proud to say she was Chair of the Chartered Institute of Building for Leeds and  West Yorkshire and her passion for the construction industry is clear when you hear her talk. 

I wanted to check out her experiences of working in a male dominated environment and we chat about the barriers that some women can face and what they can do about it - there is a strong message of the importance of authenticity and using the strengths and traits that you already have rather than feeling like you have to be someone you are not.  

Elaine supports individuals who want to make a career in construction, she says “seeing an apprentice or young professional reach the goal gives me the same sense of pride as watching my own children develop and grow.  I don’t have all the answers but am prepared to give my time to support others where I can” - stay tuned to listen to an incredible woman who really does ooze down to earth 'yorkshireness' and shares some great tips on how to push past those barriers that might be in your way whether self imposed or in your industry.

“I like to get my hands dirty - people think you are fragile but I am not” - Elaine


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