This week I'm chatting to Dan Macaulay, he's the founder of Brandwave Marketing and someone who truly knows what taking a leap of faith is all about. At the tender age of 24, Dan somehow landed himself the role of European Marketing Director for O'Neill. Arguably one of the best jobs in the industry at a time when there were huge sums of cash floating around in the surf market.

After just four years though Dan made the decision to leave the comfort and security of O'Neill and set up on his own. Something that at the time seemed a little crazy to an outsider looking in. In the end though Dan's move played out and Brandwave Marketing has gone on to become hugely successful, although, as Dan says a few times in the podcast, success depends on how you measure it.

With a young family, Dan still finds the time to get on the water as much as possible while simultaneously managing his business. We talk about all sorts including the state of various industries and how marketing has changed so much in recent years.


Brandwave Marketing