Today's Guest
Cathy Ballard is back for a second episode! She was originally featured on episode 28 of this podcast, and I'm excited to have her back. Cathy's business has undergone some changes since we last spoke, and we'll discuss how she made those shifts (it was surprisingly easy, and she'll share why that was!). Plus, she'll be talking about how you can get into flow and use it to bust through your blocks in business. Cathy also has another round of The Flow Project coming up very, very soon, and you can sign up here.
Free download - The Flow Process 
( a 15 minute daily high energy charge Mp3 that will connect you to your Higher Self, set your day up for success and realign you with the flow to your true path and best life)
About Cathy Ballard

Cathy is a spiritual business mentor from the UK.

She helps big-hearted, go-getting entrepreneurs to connect to their Higher Guidance to get the breakthroughs they've been looking for, to find their flow, and to create joyful, abundant and aligned lives and business... they can make money and make a difference, by doing what they love.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Cathy's top tips for getting into flow with your business
How Cathy let go of her established business to move onto something new
Why it's so important to find someone who can act as a mirror for you, and how that works
How to raise your vibration so you can manifest your goals
Easy tips on how to make meditation easier and more effective for you

Inspiring Women

Lenka Lutonska
Gillian Haslam

Connect with Cathy


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[R2B135] Cathy Ballard ~ How to Find Your Flow And Bust Through Your Blocks in Business #podcast

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