Today’s Guest

I can't remember when I first discovered Sylvie McCracken, today's guest. It was sometime this year, and I downloaded her fantastic free cheat sheet on How to START (the Right) Ebook That Creates Passive Income Like Crazy. I've got a number of books in the pipeline, and I found her advice to be very useful. I'm so excited to have her on the show this week, because she's got some really great practical tips on how to start creating ebooks that actually serve as an income stream.

About Sylvie McCracken

Sylvie McCracken helps passionate entrepreneurs create passive income with ebooks, so they can enjoy more freedom in business and life.  After a decade in the entertainment industry, Sylvie started her first business in the nutrition and health industry. After passing the 6 figure mark in 18 months with ebooks, she set out to teach other entrepreneurs how to do the same with a big focus on efficiency.  Sylvie’s past and current clients range from bloggers to medical professionals.  Find her at

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn

Sylvie's top tips on how to create passive income through ebooks
How Sylvie was able to replace her 6-figure income in just 18 months through ebooks
The ONE mistake people make with ebooks that's not fixable...and how to avoid it
How long it can take to create your first ebook
The different ways assistants can help you to get your ebook produced
Things you need to consider when choosing your topic

Things We Discussed

Create Passive Income With Ebooks 

Inspiring Women

Denise Duffield-Thomas 
Marie Forleo 
Melanie Duncan

Connect with Sylvie


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