Today's Guest I originally met today's guest, Karina Ladet, in Leonie Dawson's Academy, and I'm so excited to have her on the show! In this episode, we talk about a concept that I absolutely love, in lak'ech, which is near and dear to my heart ever since I lived in southeast Mexico. In lak'ech is the concept of "I am another you ~ you are another me." In today's episode, we talk about how embracing this concept of connection and incorporating it into your business can revolutionize everything. About Karina Ladet

Karina Ladet is an intuitive, healer, writer & passionate heart-centered entrepreneur who offers intuitive readings, mentoring and teaches amazing people how to communicate with their spirit guides and open up to their inner guidance both online and in live retreats worldwide.

Karina’s warmth and joy-filled energy come across so clearly and her gifts help so many overcome blocks and challenges in their lives in order to truly step into their highest power. She lives with her family in the French country side and she loves spending time in nature, playing with her kids and hugging trees.

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What You’ll Learn How Karina managed to get high profile clients who love what she does The technique Karina uses before writing her newsletters that makes her more connected to her subscribers How Karina's business has changed as a result of focusing on this connection and how yours can, too How to easily incorporate the concept of connection or in lak'ech into your business Inspiring People Leonie Dawson Hiro Boga Danielle LaPorte  Nisha Moodley Thing We Discussed Leonie Dawson's Academy Connect with Karina Website Opt-in form:  (I will update this one soon!) Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Pinterest Click to Tweet

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[BMP152] Karina Ladet ~ How a Focus on Deep Connection Can Revolutionize Your Business #podcast

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