Today’s Guest

After two and a half years of interviews and solo shows on this podcast, I'm super excited to introduce a new format. You may know Jo Casey from previous episodes: I interviewed her for episodes 21 and 121 (no, we didn't plan the numbering there...but I like it!), and Jo interviewed me for episodes 31 and 115. Plus, I've been on her podcast twice, first talking about social media and later talking about coaching

So you can see that we have loads to talk about! I wanted to partner up with someone this year to do some co-hosted episodes, and we decided we'd make a great match. The idea is to have a conversation (much like my regular episodes) around a single topic each time. We started out experimenting with this new format for episode 132 and got great feedback, so we're giving it another go.

This month, we talk about business tasks and activities. There's this idea going around that if something isn't a “HELL YEAH” then don't do it. We understand where that might be coming from, and we explain how we feel about it and how to approach those tasks that DON'T feel like a “HELL YEAH”.

I'd love to hear what you think of this new format! Please comment and let me know. Also, we've got a whole list of topics that we want to discuss on this show, but please drop us a note in the comments and let us know what you'd like to hear us talking about. Thanks!

About Jo Casey

Jo Casey is a certified life coach, trainer and coach mentor.  She’s British, slightly nerdy and allergic to the marketing bullsh*t in the coaching industry. Founder of, podcaster, speaker, and writer for Coaching Blueprint, Mind Body Green and Tiny Buddha.

 Things that make me scream with glee: Freshly washed bed linen, watching my husband get all 'handy' around the place (DIY I mean), yellow wedge sandals, fabric stores, the sound of my kids giggling, Jesus Christ Superstar the musical.

Spirit Animal: Lesley Knope

Why you should listen to me about coaching: I've been training, coaching and mentoring coaches for 14 years and I built my own coaching and training business after a lot of initial trial and error. I've been where you are now and I love showing coaches like you how to pull out all of the things that will make your business stand out and attract the right clients to you, without wasting a lot of time on useless and expensive shiny objects.

Listen to this episode

What You’ll Learn Should you only do business tasks if they're a “hell yeah”? How to navigate your feelings around business actions How to tell the difference between something that's not aligned and something that's just scary The important questions you need to ask yourself Is it really okay to be a multipassionate entrepreneur? People and Things We Discussed Myers-Briggs

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[BMP146] Jo + Holly ~ Should You Only Do It If It's A "Hell Yeah"?

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