Today’s Guest

I first discovered today's guest, Kate Northrup, a couple of years ago. I read her fantastic book Money: A Love Story, and I absolutely loved it. It combines Kate's money story, the re-telling of her story, and her journey to financial freedom with practical exercises you can do on your own to rewrite your own money story. The story of how she achieved financial freedom at the age of 28 is inspiring, and it's even more so when you know the bumps she experienced along her journey. I'm so excited to have Kate on the show for this week's episode.


About Kate Northrup

Kate Northrup created financial freedom for herself at the age of 28 through building a team of more than 1,000 wellness entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. Her philosophy is that if you free yourself financially you can be fully present to your purpose on the planet. She is also the author of Money: A Love Story, Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create The Life You Really Want (Hay House, 2013). Kate and her work have been featured on The Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, The Huffington Post,, and in Glamour, Red,, Prima Magazine, Soul & Spirit, and more.  She continues to mentor entrepreneurs in creating financial freedom. Find out more and take her free quiz to find out what your relationship with money says about you at

What You’ll Learn

Kate's top tips on how to create financial freedom
Why it's so important to tell -- and re-tell -- your story
How to categorize spending based on what's important to you
Why tracking your income is as important as tracking your expenses
How getting rid of stuff makes space for the new

Inspiring Women

Danielle LaPorte
Barbara Stanny 
Marie Forleo
Kris Carr 

Things We Discussed

Rich Dad, Poor Dad 
Overcoming Underearning
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing 
Money, A Love Story 
The Money Love Quiz 

Connect With Kate




[R2B 97] How to Create Financial Freedom, with Kate Northrup  #podcast

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