Today’s Guest

I'm so excited to introduce this week's guest, Jenny Shih. Jenny has years of practical business experience, and she LOVES systems and processes! I know, right? How many people can say that? She's so excited about making business easier that her enthusiasm is contagious.

About Jenny Shih

Jenny Shih is an uncompromising business coach who believes business doesn't have to be so hard.

She helps women entrepreneurs establish expertise and achieve best-in-class results by showing them, step-by-step, how to apply solid business theory to their unique businesses.

With her practical tips, she helps her clients create and grow the businesses they've been dreaming of.

What You’ll Learn

Jenny's top tips on how to make your business work without working too hard
The number one reason why people work long hours
What exactly are business systems and how you can make them work for you
Jenny's top three software systems for business
How to tune out the noise and get laser sharp focus

Things We Discussed

Get Your First 1000 Subscribers 
Boomerang for Gmail 

Signature Programs

Make It Work Online
Get Your First 1000 Subscribers  

Free Trainings and Tools

Make Money Doing What You Love: A 5-Step Plan That Actually Works 
Business Flight Kits
Launch & Grow Free Business Training

Connect With Jenny




[R2B 95] How to Make Your Business Work Without Working Too Hard, with Jenny Shih #podcast

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