Today’s Guest

I first heard about today's guest, Sarah Lloyd-Hughes, back when I was in Toastmasters, battling my own public speaking demons. I think that was also about the time that her book was released. I've had her on my list of women I wanted to invite to this podcast, and after I recently saw her speak at Corrina Gordon-Barnes' You Inspire Me meetup, I realized that I needed to get her on the show to share her tips on public speaking.

About Sarah Lloyd-Hughes

Sarah Lloyd-Hughes is a popular speaker on confidence and inspiration, an award winning social entrepreneur, founder of Ginger Training & Coaching and author of “How to be Brilliant at Public Speaking” (Pearson).

Featured in the TEDx series of public speeches, Sarah is an energetic, original and deeply authentic speaker who works with professionals and entrepreneurs to help them communicate with courage. She has successfully taught thousands of people across three continents. As a speaker on confidence, Sarah builds inspiration in her audiences, whatever their experience levels. She challenges and supports them on the journey to become passionate, authentic and inspiring communicators.

In her speaking and courses, Sarah teaches that to become a more influential communicator doesn’t involve pretending to be someone you’re not – instead you must understand and unleash the six qualities of an inspiring speaker that already live inside you.

A CTI Trained Co-active coach and practicing Buddhist, Sarah suffers from a life-long obsession with the hunt for the full potential of human beings – a theme which weaves itself enthusiastically through her work.

Deep inside, Sarah is really a frustrated artist. As consolation, she adds a personal touch to her books, speaking and training by illustrating them with her unique and charming ‘Doodles’.

What You’ll Learn

Sarah's top tips on how to be an inspiring public speaker
How LinkedIn got her a book deal and a literary agent
Why it's so important to have a network if you want to be published
How to focus on your inner qualities, not your outer behaviors, when speaking
Why you need to be willing to stick out

Things We Discussed

Ken Robinson
Simon Sinek
How to Be Brilliant at Public Speaking

Connect With Sarah



[R2B 84] How to Be Brilliant at Public Speaking, with Sarah Lloyd-Hughes #podcast

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