Today’s Guest

I love it when I find someone who is so enthusiastic about their business. Amber has great energy, and fantastic practical advice on how to outsource the bits of your business that fall outside your zone of genius. I'm so excited to have her on the show this week. Enjoy!

About Amber McCue

Amber McCue has a sweet spot for helping entrepreneurs do better business and increase their bottom line.  Amber partners up with the Nicest, smartest CEOs around.  Entrepreneurs come to her to build streamlined, scalable, profitable business operations without working 24/7, and they are not disappointed.

She loves all things business --- especially, problem solving, systems, team building, brainstorming, making money via strong revenue streams, sharing that wealth again and again in the best possible ways. You’ll find her at - When you sign up you’ll get a free get efficient prioritization matrix to help you get more done and uplevel your business.

What You’ll Learn

Amber's top tips on how to clone yourself in your business (and what that means)
Why you need to pay attention to what you procrastinate on
How to find your clone
Why you need to change the way you interview and ask questions
How to figure out what to outsource and how to start

Inspiring Women in Business

Denise Duffield Thomas
Marie Forleo
Liana Ling

Things We Discussed

Business Brilliant, by Lewis Schiff
Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh
Freshly Implemented

Connect With Amber


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[R2B 80] How to Clone Yourself In Your Business, with Amber McCue #podcast

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