Today’s Guest

Ann Brown and I first met online, via Twitter, and later we met offline at Corrina Gordon-Barnes's You Inspire Me meetup. I love what she does: helping heart-centered women entrepreneurs get over their fear of not being good enough...also known as the impostor syndrome. I think we've all felt that at one time or another, so I'm really excited to have Ann on the show this week to talk about how to get over that.

About Ann Brown

Ann Brown works with heart centred women who want to make a big contribution in the world, but who are overwhelmed by their vision and of their own feelings of being ‘not good enough’.

As an intuitive coach, Ann works one on one with women to help them break down their vision into doable steps, resolve their internal struggles and soothe their fears, so they have a clear path forward and a strong belief in themselves to make it happen.
As a highly sensitive introvert, Ann knows first hand how internal saboteurs and ‘identity Gremlins’ can severely limit the things you *think* are possible for you.

Learn how to realise your big vision by fully embracing who you are, and taking steps one at a time to transform your vision into reality.

What You’ll Learn

How NLP helped Ann learn to be kind to herself
Clear tips to get over your fears of not being good enough
How to unpick the big lump of fear
Why learning to be vulnerable in public was a huge tipping point for Ann
Ann's five tips to move toward your vision

Inspiring Women in Business

Brené Brown
Corrina Gordon-Barnes

Things We Discussed


Connect With Ann


Free Gift

Download Ann's FREE audio meditation on her website. It will guide you to begin the tender process of reconnecting to the deepest part of you, where the fear and self doubt are at their most destructive, so you can begin to feel lighter and more at ease.

[SHP 67] Learn How to Overcome Fear of Not Being Good Enough, with Ann Brown #podcast

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