Today’s Guest

I originally met today's guest, Heather Day, via Kate Swoboda's Coaching Blueprint, where we are both guest writers. I'd been following her articles for months, when I received a request for a podcast topic from a listener: she wanted to know how solopreneurs can take time off for a real vacation...without worrying that their business will fall apart in the meantime.

About a week later, Heather's guest post appeared: When you ARE your BIZ: how to take a vacation without abandoning ship. Perfect timing! I got in touch immediately, and a week later we were chatting on Skype. I'm so excited to share this episode with you, because this is a topic that I know a lot of solopreneurs struggle with. And time off is so important!

About Heather Day

Heather Day is a Heart Centered coach, yoga teacher, and chakra specialist. As a healer and a guide, she believes that unconditional love, clear and confident purpose, joyful and divine flow, and vibrant health don’t come from more effort, more thinking, or more frustration- they come from returning to your heart center and living from what you already know to be true.
Life is intended to be superbly magical and joyful- and Heather believes that it’s totally possible for you.

What You’ll Learn

Heather's top tips for taking a vacation when you're a solopreneur
What happened to her business when she stopped trying to fit into a mold
How to make your holiday happen by planning ahead
Why taking just one vacation will lead to so many more

Inspiring Women in Business

Kate Courageous
Shiva Rea
Ana Forrest

Connect With Heather


[SHP 54] How to Take a Vacation as a Solopreneur, with Heather Day #podcast

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