I'm excited to introduce this week's guest, Corinne Kowal. I first discovered Corinne on Instagram, where I saw that she was planning to hike the Cape Wrath Trail, which has been on my bucket list for a couple of years now. I avidly followed her preparations for the trip, and couldn’t wait to hear more once she returned.

The Cape Wrath Trail is often considered to be one of Britain’s most challenging trails, mostly due to its remoteness and rough terrain. I find it appealing because I love the idea of being out alone on the trails in such a wild part of the country. I hope you find this episode inspiring!


About Corinne

German, born and raised in France, I have studied in NYC where I started working, moved back to Europe where I met my husband, and we have subsequently lived 11 years abroad (Berlin, Brussels and Madrid) before moving back to France.

I am the mother of 3 children: 2 boys aged 12 (almost 13) and 9 and a girl who is 5 and a half.

I am a self-taught interior designer and property renovation manager.

I have always been a walker if not a hiker. My parents weren't very sports-inclined but the Sunday morning walk in the nearby forest was somewhat of a ritual.

We used to spend holidays as children in the German pre-alps in Bavaria (between Munich and Salzburg) where we hiked up some easy paths.

I took up nordic walking while living in Berlin over 10 years ago and have been able to practice it regularly since moving back to France 4 years ago.

Living pretty much in the center of the Fontainebleau forest has enabled me to walk on a regular basis to prepare for the CWT.


Corinne’s Links


Instagram Website Instagram


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What You'll Learn

What is the Cape Wrath Trail and why you might want to do it Why it’s called Britain’s toughest trail How to prepare and train for the Cape Wrath Trail How Corinne overcame the logistics of taking a 3-week holiday without kids Corinne’s favorite gear that she took Why you should pack zip ties for your next long-distance hike Things Corinne sent back home because she didn’t need them The logistics for resupplying food on this super remote trail The most challenging things about the trail How Corinne managed navigation on the Cape Wrath Trail How Corinne “MacGyvered” a new hiking pole when hers snapped on Day 2


Things We Discussed

Cape Wrath Ultra Altra Lone Peak shoes  Altra Olympus  Garmin InReach  WalkHighlands website  Cape Wrath Trail Guide Group on Facebook  Hubba Hubba MSR 2-person tent  OS Maps app  Fjallraven Classic UK 


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