I'm excited to introduce this week's guest, Halona Black. She was originally a guest on this show back in April 2016 when we talked about how to create a signature book for your business.


About Halona

Halona Black is a freelance writer for the tech industry, self-help book ghostwriter, and Thought Leadership Consultant currently living in Kigali, Rwanda. She made her exit from the US in June 2018 to seek healing from fibroids, severe adrenal fatigue, depression, and a host of other health problems. Her life was forever changed when she connected with local healers who taught her that true healing comes from self-love and expressing your soul's desires. Halona continues her healing journey while growing her remote business from beautiful locations like Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia.



7 Keys to Writing a Self-Help Book that Grows Your Business

10 Steps to Starting a Location Independent Freelance Writing Business


Listen To This Episode



What You'll Learn

How Halona made the leap to being an expat—and how it changed her life How she decides which countries to move to What Halona has learned from expat life How to prepare for solo female travel Halona's top tips for someone might want to move abroad


Thing We Discussed

Peace Corps 


Related Episodes

383 Anne Malambo ~ How Solo Travel Can Change Our Lives 367 Holly Worton ~ Finding Yourself Through Solo Travel and Outdoor Adventures (now with downloadable transcript!)


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