Today’s Guest

I originally met today's guest, Catherine Watkin, back in 2011 at a business mastermind group that we both belonged to as part of the coaching school that we attended. My own business was completely different at the time, and Cath had not yet clicked with her true calling. Because we've known each other from the start of our businesses, it's been such a pleasure to see her step into her power over the past couple of years, and watch her business grow.

Cath was on my list of women I wanted on this podcast from the very beginning, and I'm so excited to be sharing this episode with you now. Sales is something that so many women in heart-centered businesses struggle with, and Cath has the perfect solution to selling from the heart, in a way that feels good and serves your ideal clients.

Catherine Watkin, founder of Selling from the Heart, is a sales expert who works with heart-centred business owners who are gifted and passionate about what they do but struggle in business because they feel awkward when it comes to selling their services. She teaches them how to have effective sales conversations that feel authentic and comfortable – and get great results.

Authenticity and integrity are Catherine’s highest values, and during a sales career spanning 20 years she’s always approached sales with those values in mind, even in traditionally cut-throat corporate environments – in fact she sees this as the secret to her success. Catherine is an authentic and inspiring speaker with an important message and is a role model for how it is possible to create a successful business without resorting to sleazy or manipulative sales and marketing techniques.

What You’ll Learn

Catherine's top tips for selling from the heart
How sales is like dancing (now that sounds like fun, doesn't it?)
Why it's your duty to sell to your ideal clients
How not to come across as pushy when you're selling
What exactly is a sales conversation and how to have one

Inspiring Women in Business

Joanna Martin

Connect With Catherine


How to get more clients saying yes in a way that feels good, and not sleazy. With Catherine Watkin