Today's Guest

Joanna Hennon and I are back with another co-hosted episode! Today, we talk about stepping into the next version of ourselves and all that entails. We share some personal stories of recent situations where we say we want something new, but we’re not 100% ready to step into it. We explore what to do when we think we want something, yet we’re not taking the action to get there.

  More About Joanna Hennon

Joanna is a #SoulSmart Success Mentor - she helps people to easily create more success  by using the wisdom and power we all have access to at soul level. Living life from a place of soul power, in tune with your higher self and your Guides, and using the Law of Attraction with intention will literally change your life! To get started, grab one of these free resources.

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  What You’ll Learn Becoming the next version of yourself and stepping into a new identity What it really looks like when you’re Between Worlds How to recognize when you’re experiencing the growing pains that come with spiritual growth A reminder to be gentle with ourselves when we’re going through transition into a new phase Why it’s so important to pay attention where we’re dragging our feet How to know when we’re dragging our feet and not stepping into the next version of ourselves The difference between wanting and choosing for and how this shift in perspective can change everything Why we need to look at secondary gain: and how to dig deeper to the root of the situation A reminder that the new thing is only uncomfortable for a little bit, and then it becomes our new reality Why it’s okay to stay where we are sometimes: we don’t have to be constantly moving into new things What self sabotage looks like: how to know when we’re doing it, and what to do about it   Questions to Ask Ourselves What do I choose for? What do I want to align with? Where am I not choosing to step into the new thing? Where am I not choosing for the new thing? Where am I still choosing for the old reality? Where am I being the sack of potatoes? Where am I saying I want this new thing but in reality I’m not stepping into it? Where am I not willing to let go of the old thing or the old me? Where am I being resistant to change in my life? What am I afraid of? What am I gaining from being right where I am? What are the benefits? Where am I using the word “want” instead of “choose for”? Where do I not choose for what I say I choose for? What if this current situation is exactly the right thing for me?   Exercise

Set aside three pages in your journal, or set up three columns on a page.

First column/page: write down all the things you Second column/page: change the language so that you choose for these things. Third column/page: write down what this means for you. Who do you need to be to choose for these things? What do you need to believe? What do you need to align with?   Things We Discussed Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards: Ask and Know Cards, by Colette Baron-Reid Holly’s Patreon community Access Consciousness   Connect with Joanna Website Facebook Twitter Pinterest   How to Subscribe Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Click here to subscribe via Spotify   Help Spread the Word

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