Today's Guest

Joanna Hennon is back! We only missed one episode together, but it feels like forever! Today’s episode is a follow up to episode 253: Joanna Hennon + Holly ~ How to Get What You Really, Really Want… When Wanting Isn’t Enough. In that episode, Joanna and I talked about our plans to move home, and how we planned to manifest our dream houses. Now we’re back, talking about what to do when you don’t get what you want, how you want, where you want, and when you want. This episode really is A Tale of Two Houses.


More About Joanna Hennon

Joanna is a #SoulSmart Success Mentor - she helps people to easily create more success  by using the wisdom and power we all have access to at soul level. Living life from a place of soul power, in tune with your higher self and your Guides, and using the Law of Attraction with intention will literally change your life! To get started, grab one of these free resources.


Listen to this episode


  What You’ll Learn

How to handle it when things don’t go your way

What to do when you “fail” at manifesting

Why just because you’re aligned doesn’t mean it’s going to happen how and when you want it to

Why you need to be really honest with yourself about the details

How to know if you’re tricking yourself into thinking it’s perfect when it’s really not

Why we sometimes limit ourselves and we don’t go for what we really want

Can it actually work if the process is misaligned? And is it guaranteed to work if you are aligned?

Why we don’t always get what we want, when we want

Why we sometimes get attached to a specific outcome, and what we need to do instead

Why you need to stay in the open space: don’t give up; stay open to letting it in

Why we need to accept the worst case scenario as a possibility

Why the mantra “Everything always works out perfectly for us” has to be part of the perfect plan

How to avoid going into failure mode and blaming yourself and feeling sorry for yourself - and what to do instead

The difference between blaming yourself and taking responsibility - and why self reflection is important

Finally, things you can actually do when you don’t get what you want


Questions to Ask Yourself

Is it exactly right for you? Is it just what you want?

Are you willing to fully step into that reality?

If you did create this to happen this way, why did it happen?

If this outcome were exactly right, why would that be?

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