Today’s Guest

I'm back again, with another solo episode! This week’s episode is inspired by this week’s episode. What I mean by that is that I waited until the last minute to record it. I had a very, very lazy week and to be honest, I didn’t get much done, which was disappointing, because I’m out of the office for the next two weeks, and I planned to get EVERYTHING done between Monday and Friday. It was a reasonable expectation, but it didn’t happen. In this episode, I explore why I didn’t manage to get much done, and I talk about when we need to push ourselves to get things done, and when we need to take it easy. I know we’ve all had weeks like this, so I hope you find this useful!


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  What You'll Learn

How to get clear on why you’re not being productive

How to understand when it’s time to give yourself a break, or push through the laziness

Why lazy days can be a symptom of burnout

Why you need to pay attention to where you are in your cycle

How to have reasonable expectations when planning your week

Why you need to be flexible with your priorities

Why time blocking makes it easy to be flexible with your calendar

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