Today’s Guest

I'm back with another co-hosted episode with the fabulous Jo Casey!

In this week's episode, we discuss one of the biggest fears we've experienced, something that we also see in clients on a regular basis: What will people think? Will they like me?

This is something that I've personally struggled a lot with, and it's something that really held me back in the past. Once I learned how to reprogram my beliefs, it really made it easier for me to take action despite these thoughts. As I grow, and take bigger actions, they often trigger a new version of these limiting beliefs, but I now have the tools to work through them. Today, you'll learn what you can do to overcome these beliefs.

About Jo Casey

Jo Casey has over 20 years experience of working as a trainer and consultant in the corporate, public and third sectors. Her flashy clients and workplaces have included Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), The NHS, BT, Toyota Motors, Peugeot Business School, The Welsh Assembly Government, The Girl Guides UK, Vets4Pets/Companion Care, several Local Government Authorities, and The Department Of Work And Pensions. But she's also worked with many no less wonderful smaller ventures, micro businesses and SMEs.

She's a self-confessed nerd and has taught at college and university levels and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Chester. Jo has a Masters Degree in Coaching and Organizational Development and she's an NLP Master Practitioner, MBTI qualified professional certified Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 consultant.

She's been coaching for over 15 years now – clocking up over 1000 hours of coaching experience. Basically, she carefully treads that line between being passionate and a tiny bit obsessive about what she does (obsession often wins). Jo runs accredited coach training programs and coaches people from all over the world via the power of the internet.

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What You’ll Learn What our own journey has been like in dealing with these fears and how this shows up for us Why this happens and why we have these fears How this shows up in business and how it holds us back Why this is a problem and why we need to work on it How perfectionism comes into play and why we need to get used to taking imperfect action How this is related to resilience and how we can strengthen our resilience muscle Why we need to step outside our comfort zone in all areas of our life, not just business What you can do to change this and release these fears so you can take action more easily Practical baby steps you can take to get used to speaking out and taking action Other Resources BMP220 Jo + Holly ~ Why You Need Resilience in Your Business The fuck-off fairy How to Subscribe Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Help Spread the Word

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