Today’s Guest

I'm back with another co-hosted episode with the fabulous Jo Casey!

Today, we talk about how to navigate the new era of email marketing. Hopefully, you've recovered from the GDPR rush of last month, and are ready to plan a new way forward. In this week's episode, we discuss where we think things are going with email marketing.

About Jo Casey

Jo Casey has over 20 years experience of working as a trainer and consultant in the corporate, public and third sectors. Her flashy clients and workplaces have included Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC), The NHS, BT, Toyota Motors, Peugeot Business School, The Welsh Assembly Government, The Girl Guides UK, Vets4Pets/Companion Care, several Local Government Authorities, and The Department Of Work And Pensions. But she's also worked with many no less wonderful smaller ventures, micro businesses and SMEs.

She's a self-confessed nerd and has taught at college and university levels and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Chester. Jo has a Masters Degree in Coaching and Organizational Development and she's an NLP Master Practitioner, MBTI qualified professional certified Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 consultant.

She's been coaching for over 15 years now – clocking up over 1000 hours of coaching experience. Basically, she carefully treads that line between being passionate and a tiny bit obsessive about what she does (obsession often wins). Jo runs accredited coach training programs and coaches people from all over the world via the power of the internet.

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What You’ll Learn What the new culture shift with email marketing looks like Why list building will no longer be the most important thing in marketing Why this will help us disentangle our worth as entrepreneurs from the size of our list How this will affect the numbers game we all got used to playing What we need to focus on instead of just counting the numbers How to focus on creating real connections with people rather than blasting out a message Why conversational marketing works better than broadcasting New things you can do to truly connect with people as individuals, not as numbers in a list Why consent leads to healthier relationships Things We Discussed GDPR For more GDPR fun: The G-D-P-R Song For even more GDPR fun: this spectacular Privacy Policy Tara Gentile article: List-Building Is Dead! Long Live List-Building! In Praise Of The GDPR  Qoya Tanya Geisler Tracie Nichols Lara Heacock Jenny Mahan Jo’s Garden Party + link to the replay  Joanna Penn’s Patreon account   Amanda Palmer’s Patreon Amanda Palmer’s book The Art of Asking: How I learned to stop worrying and let people help  1,000 True Fans by Kevin Kelly  Rebecca Woodmass  Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin  Kelly Diels and her Blazing Epistles of Righteousness  How to Subscribe Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Help Spread the Word

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